Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

September 30, 2012

September 28, 2012

Made In USA Challenge

This is the door way to my utility room. 
And the next door is to the garage.  I'll bet it's the biggest utility room you've ever seen; isn't it?
I have decided to give myself the challenge of USAifying this room. 
From paint to hangers, all must American Made!
Wish me luck!

September 27, 2012

Effects Of The Storm

On Tuesday night LB and I went to bed to the glorious sound of rain. 
 It was a good rain.  The kind that was slow and soaking.
But apparently there was some wind that came with the rain!  Yesterday morning when we woke, we were one less tree!
This tree had unfortunately already died due to the drought.  So, really it wasn't that great of a loss afterall.  It just saved LB the step of having to cut it down!
P.S. I would have given all my trees if it meant we were going to get rain!

September 23, 2012

The Okra Thief

Today, I have been seeing some evidences that there is an okra thief amoung us!
Here is some of the evidence.
If anyone has any information regarding this crime, please let me know!
I already have a couple good leads.....

September 22, 2012

A Sewing Project

I don't really like to sew.
But I love making things, being crafty!
And sometimes those things I like to make require sewing.
Well, lately, LB, Baby J and I have been attending the high school football games here in our small town where LB graduated and we now live. I got tired of Baby J not having a team shirt to wear and decided to do something about it!
I dug through LB's t-shirt drawer and found one of his old pair of Football Shorts.  The poor things had lasted over thirteen years it was time for them to be of some use! 
I think it worked nicely!  Don't you?
Love amy

September 21, 2012

Duracell Batteries

I was doing some fall cleaning the other day and made a discovery.  My duracell batteries were made in the USA!
So, I did a little research and talked to a represenative at the Duracell company.  Not all of their batteries are made in the USA.  They have manufacturers all over the place.  But this is good news because it means that it is possible to find USA made batteries.  So, if you're in the need, just look at the back of the package before you buy.  They mark all their products with which country it was made!

September 20, 2012

Touches of Fall

I have mentioned before that I love fall.  I believe the cause of my love for this season is due to the weather.  The cool crisp mornings and beautiful afternoons when the weather is perfect and not too windy just makes me happy and inspired to decorate!
A couple of years ago I showed you pictures of my Fall Decor.  So, I thought I would show you some of the new things I have done since then.
This year I stuck extra leaves behind random corners of the picture frames down my hallway.  LB really liked this.  I added new color in our hall and extended our decor further through our house! It also helped tie the table at the end of the hall and the bathroom together.
Something new I did this year...
I attached a candle to an upside down sunflower, then..
I put it up here.  I think I like it.  Adds a little more color, kinda changes things up a bit.
It's always fun to try something new!
Hope everyone is having a great fall!

September 19, 2012


Thirty days has Septober, April, May and no wonder everybody loves apple butter except Grandma; and she rides a bicycle!

September 18, 2012


I discovered Pinterest!
I'm not really sure if I should be happy or sad about this.  You see, now all I want to do is see what trendy things I can do to my house, or what cool things I can make in my craft room.  I dono't get anything done anymore!
I blame my sister for this!  She kept telling me I needed to see this thing she found on pinterest, or what she made that she had found instructions for on pinterest....and she kept going on and on.
So, I checked it out.  Now, just like with the nutella, I'm sunk!  I now have a pinterest account and I have already started pinning and am  making plans to completely redo my utility room!
See what you did Sis?
Here are some things I have already discovered:
What to do with all those extra t-shirts:
I love this color for my utility room, maybe a little more tourquoisey.  And I want a shelf...

Pinned Image
You can never have too much storage!
Pinned Image 
Now, would someone else please go and discover pinterest so that way I won't be the only one not getting anything done!
Thank You

September 16, 2012

Chickasaw National Park

On Tuesday LB, Baby J and I took a trip to Sulphur Oklahoma.  That is where my grandparents live.  We hadn't seen them since March and thought it was time for Baby J to get to visit with them again. Last time they saw him, he wasn't walking.

My grandparents live right outside the Chickasaw National Park.  It's a really beautiful place and I have lots of memories of my sister's and I swimming there.  I wanted Baby J to have some memories of the park as well so we took him for a visit...

My grandparents went with us and enjoyed some of the beautiful weather we were having.
As you can see, we were an exciting group!
Baby J discovered horse apples.
I think this trip made a pretty good start on Baby J's memroy making!

September 14, 2012

I'm In Love!!!

So, I tried this stuff tonight!
And it's the greatest stuff on earth.  I think it's even better than pizza and cheez its!
When we went on our ski trip this summer, my cousin kept eating this with pretzles.  She told me more than once that I needed to try it.  I thought "this stuff couldn't be better than peanut butter".  So, I let the opportunity pass and I never tried any. 
About a month ago I came across a $1 off coupon for a jar of it.  Tonight I decided to take the plung and try some.  In a way, I wish I had never discovered the stuff because now there's no turning  back!  I'm hooked, I'm a beliver, I'm in love!
Now, go out and buy yourself a jar.
Getting fatter by the minute!
P.S. Nutella is made in canada

September 13, 2012

County Fair

Last week was our county fair and Baby J and I didn't do to bad.
I entered a cockscomb  from my flower bed and I took first place!
I was very surprised and kinda a little proud!
Baby J and I entered some vegetables from our garden and our pumpkins took first and second!
Baby J also made cookies with his Ellie and got two first place ribbons!
These were the cutest cookies I have ever seen. 
I had intended to take better picture of these cookies, but I forgot. 
I am already planning next year!

September 12, 2012

Murphy Oil Soap

Murphy® Oil Soap Original Formula
I love this stuff!
It cleans my floors, my trim, my doors, my furniture.  One squirt bottle for everything!
Also, there's no residue or chemicals so it's safe for Baby J's bare feet!
Also, if you like to be green, this stuff is 98% natural.
Also, I know I've said also three times.....It's made in the USA!
So, Go Green and Clean

September 6, 2012

Daddy's Little Helper

Ok Dad, what do we do first?
First, we count the calves.
Oh, there's one, and there's another one...
You have to have the right kind of hat.
Oh, here's another one dad!
Don't worry, I'll get it!
Yee Haw!

Time to go home!

September 4, 2012

The Great Bear Hunter

Mom, I'm going bear hunting!
I caught him mom! And with my bare hands too!