Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

May 31, 2017


Currently, in our neck of the woods, harvest is in full swing!

For those of you that know me, know that harvest is my favorite time of year!  

You can feel the excitement in the air, And there is a buzz about town with all the trucks coming in and out to the elevators.  And the views of the fields are amazing!  Some years the heat is just scorching, but the last several evenings have been beautiful!  There's been just enough of a breeze to make things pleasant.  And if you can get "just a breeze" in western Oklahoma, you know your lucky!

The boys love harvest too!  Cooper is big enough now that he can go to the field with his dad without having to have me there to keep him out of trouble!  And he makes a hand too; he loves to help.  Wyatt want's so badly to keep up with his brother but he is still so little that he needs momma there to keep him from getting hurt.  Yesterday was the first time he got to go ride the combine without mommy being there.  He was so excited and he told me "I drink pop from ice chest!"

Yes!  When your in the field, you always get extra snacks to pack in the ice chest and the dinners are amazing!  Field food is kinda like what you eat at Thanksgiving or Christmas.  You only eat like that, that one time of year, and it is SO YUMMY!!

We started cutting wheat on Saturday night and up until this evening things have ran smoothly.  This evening we had a break down, but if all goes well, we'll be back up and running again tomorrow! 

These are just a few of the snapshots I've taken with my phone.  I am hoping to write a post with the pictures I took with my big camera very soon.  Things around here will be crazy for the next couple weeks but I'll still keep you posted!

Lovin' this life

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