In addition to our vegetable garden and fruit trees, I have lots of plants. You know, the kind you water and take care of all summer and then when winter comes along you can't bear to leave them outside so you move them inside to live out the cold. And then after years of this cycle, you eventually end up with some so big you have to have your husband move them in and out for you. Yes, those are the kind I have.
The plant to the far left in the picture above is called a snake plant, or Mother-in-laws tongue. (The tall skinny leaves is the snake plant. It shares a pot with an arrowhead vine.)
Two weeks ago, I discovered this little green thing growing in and among the leaves of this plant. Now, my mother gave me this plant a few years ago. She had owned this plant for years and I had never remembered seeing anything like this on this plant before. So, I call up my mom and describe what I have found.
Come to find out, this plant does produce a flower on occasion. My mom said it had bloomed a couple of times for her years ago, but it hadn't in a while. So, for me to have a bloom is an exciting event.
Since, this is rare, I'm sharing it with you.
I hope you enjoy.
The Farmer's Wife
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