Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

April 4, 2010

Apple Pie and Smoke Alarms

I am in charge of tomorrow's Easter Apple Pie!

Of all the pies, apple is my favorite.  Unfortunately everyone in my Married side of the family likes boring pies like pecan and cocanut cream.  So, I am bringing my own pie.   

By the time I remembered that tomorrow is Easter and that I still had the pie to bake is was after 9:30 tonight.  With church tomorrow I wouldn't have time to get it baked before lunch.  So, tonight I must bake.


It's actually a really easy recipe to  make.  A friend of mine taught me how to make this several years ago when I had to win a bet.  Needless to say, I won!

Well, I got the pie in the oven at about 10:15.  Finally I can set down!  The kitchen was all cleaned up, all I had to do was take the pie out of the oven and go to bed.  (after I wrote this).

So, while I was settin' on my new couch thinking of what to write about tonight, A loud beeping starts going off. 

I jump up and run into the kitchen where the noise is coming from.  There's no smoke anywhere.  It finally wakes LB up and he and my crazy haired dog come running in.  Great, LB is tall enough to reach the smoke alarm and turn it off.  Only, There's one problem, there is no off button!

LB gets the smoke alarm off the ceiling and starts looking it over.  There's got to be a way to turn it off.  All of a sudden, the other 3 smoke alarms in the house start going off.  The smoke alarms are hard wired into the house's electrical system.  You can't turn them off.  You have to clear the house of the smoke, which we have yet to discover the origin of, to get the beeping to stop.  So, now the house is beeping and ringing really loud, the dog is walking around in circles looking at the ceiliing, I have opened all the doors and windows, and LB is about to rip the smoke alarm out of the ceiling.

In the meantime, the Oven timer goes off.  As I open the oven door, I discover the origin of the smoke.  My apple pie has boiled over and has burned in the bottom of the oven.

So, we ended up sitting on the back patio for 20 minutes at 11:00 at night while the house airs out. 

Finally the house airs out, the Smoke alarms turn off and we all go back inside.

All that trouble for an Apple Pie!

Love, Amy

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