Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

April 5, 2010

Spring Fever!

It's official, I have spring fever!

My spring fever leads to terrible things:  dishes piled high in the sink, dirt blowing across my wood floors, open windows blowing in more dust, clean laundry piled on the bed waiting to be put away, and many other things.  But I, during this time would rather be galivanting around the farm with LB, sitting on the back porch with a good book, or gettin' good and dirty in my flower bed.  Staying inside and keeping the house clean is the farthest thing from my mind.

And THEN, once it's too dark to be outside, and LB comes home from the farm and is ready to set down, I come in and inevitably I suddenly feel the urge to clean up the mess.  Well, because I've let the mess go to begin with I then proceede to work way too late into the night loosing all sense of time.  Thus creating the vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and being behind on my chores. 

It's terrible I tell you!

What can I say?  I was born for the outdoors.  I love going to the farm with LB to check the cattle or the wheat.  I also love working in my flower garden; which I am creating an entirely new garden because my new house didn't have one.  Easter Sunday was the perfect day for beginning that.  I planted several different types of bulbs.  I have never planted bulbs before.  The only things I have ever planted have been  transplants or seeds.  I'm so excited to see what comes up!

See, Spring Fever even leads to the inability to stay on topic.  Well, before I get to chasing any more rabbits I'm going to sign off. 

Your Farm Friend,

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