Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

January 8, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!

Yes. I do know that its already the 8th day of the new year.  But we decided as a family to start this year off with a round of the stomach bug!!!

Actually, we had a great first day of this new year.  Landon, the boys and I had gone to celebrate Christmas at my parents house with my two sisters and their families. Thirteen people under the same roof!!! There were lots of great memories made.  The boys loved sleeping under the dining table with their sleeping bags and lanterns.  And the icicles on the creek were so fun to go and see!!  But it was oh so cold!!

We unfortunately didn't get to stay long.  It was So So SO cold and we had to keep an eye on our cows.  They kinda like having hay every day.  So we headed back home the evening of the first and that's when the bug struck!!

Me and the Boys all took our turns for the following week but somehow, Landon drew the lucky straw and didn't get the joy of sharing bug with us.  But he kept the fort held down and we all survived!  We were able to go into the weekend feeling much better and enjoying this warm weather blast we're currently having. 

2017 was a wonderful year!

  Full of lots of Amazing adventures.

   We are looking forward to what this year has in store for our beautiful little family and we are wishing you a Wonderful 2018


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