Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

August 8, 2013

The Joy of A Pair Of Pliers

Every Sunday, after church, we have a routine.  It's a good routine and it has always worked.  Until, a few Sunday's ago when a small change caused some big tears!
After church, we come home and eat lunch.  Then, LB rocks Baby J down for his nap before heading off to the farm.  Well, this particular Sunday, we were late getting home and eating lunch and LB needed to get to the farm as quickly as possible.  So, I would be in charge of Baby J's naptime routine.  This plan did not sit well with Baby J and he commenced to let us know by producing some very large and pitiful tears!
LB tried to explain that once he woke up from his much needed nap he would be able to join him.  But, Baby J just continued to repeat "I wanna go wiss you"
That's when LB happened to remember the pair of pliers he had for Baby J, but just hadn't given to him yet.  (We don't have a practice of bribing, but on this particular day, he was so tired and not going with his Daddy at that very moment was very heart breaking to him.  So, giving him the pliers to wear when he got up was merely giving him something to look forward to.)  He quickly went to the closet, dug them out, and fitted them to his waist so he could be just like Daddy!

That seemed to do the trick.  He was so excited!  He was ready for  his nap so he could go help Daddy with his "new piers"
And then, for the next several days, he wanted to wear them around the house too!
I love my boys!

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