Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

May 21, 2012

Tricky Business

Harvesting wheat can be a tricky thing.  The wheat has to be dry, in fact, the dryer the better.  But it definitely can't be to wet.  If it's too wet, the elevator won't take it because it can cause mold and it also lowers the value of the wheat.
But, then again, as soon as it's dry enough, you don't want to wait until it's at "the dryer the better".  You want to get it out and to the elevator as soon as possible! 

Every second the wheat is in the field, it is at the mercy of the weather.  Right now, our harvest is at a standstill.  We got 3 inches of rain on Saturday night, so now our wheat is wet again.  It also makes the field to muddy for our heavy equipment to get in and out. Most generally in a case like ours, the wheat will dry out and be ready to cut before the ground is dry enough.

Rain isn't the only thing to worry about during harvest.  Lightning could catch the field on fire, a hail storm could wipe out the entire crop in one night, or the market can go down.  And the list can go on and on.  So, now you see, when your entire year's income is based on 2 weeks, why it's such an important event to our family.

Just continue to pray that the rest of the bad weather holds off so we can get the rest of our wheat out!

Love, The Farmer's Wife 

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