Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

April 12, 2010

Snakes in the Cupboard!

I discovered several years ago that LB, very strongly, dislikes snakes.

I, being the loving wife that I am, use that information to his disadvantage.

You see, I have a fake snake.  His name is Stevie.  Stevie and I have lots of fun with LB.  I like to strategically place Stevie in various places through out the house. Usually, in places that I know LB will find him unexpectedly. I always find these events very humorous. LB on the other hand does not.
Well, I decided that I needed to break in the new house properly. I thought and thought about something new I could do with Stevie. I had already put him in the shower, and in the windowsill, and in the bed… I needed something new. I was running out of options. When I suddenly remembered one of the clips I had seen on Funniest Home Videos. I decided to put Stevie in the Kitchen Cabinet with the Cups.

Every night LB gets a drink of water before going to bed, so I knew I couldn’t miss. I waited until LB fell asleep in the recliner and I got Stevie in position. Then, I went to get around for bed. Like clock work LB got up, brushed his teeth, and went to the kitchen for a drink. I stood in the hallway pretending I didn’t have any clue as to what was going on. I heard a cabinet door, the sound of a cup being placed on the counter, and then much to my dismay, I heard the back door and then the dumpster lid. LB never said a word.  But I knew Stevie was a gonner. There was nothing I could do. LB finally decided that Stevie’s time had come to an end.
LB was too nice. He let me off the hook. No paybacks. I think it was mostly because I couldn’t retrieve Stevie from the garbage. I had to let him go. Oh well, I still have Stella the Spider!

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