Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

January 28, 2014

Taking Out Electric Fence

On one of our farms, it was time to replace the electric fence. This particular fence needed to be replaced because it had been broken in a few places and spliced backed together, and it also had some bad wire in a few spots and was tangled with brush.  LB decided it was time to pull the post, roll up the wire and start over.
 After pulling all the post, we use our gas powered wire roller to roll the wire onto a spool for the next use.  That keeps the wire nice and untangled so that when we rebuild the fence it makes things a lot easier.
On this particular farm, there aren't any cows at the moment, but later this spring we will replace the fence in preparation for some new cows.  We use the fence to separate the wheat from the grass.  The Cows can graze the wheat once it is strong enough and until it begins to flower.  Once it begins to form a head we'll have to take the cows off the wheat so that we'll be able to have a crop.
Confused yet?
If the cows graze on the wheat too long, it won't let the wheat go to "head" or produce.  And so we take the cows off and that allows the wheat to "head" or go to seed.  Then that's when we cut it!
This picture cracks me up!  Baby J was being so patient waiting for his daddy!
I didn't get many pictures because the wind was blowing about 100 miles per hour and because I was having to drive the pick-up for LB.  Maybe when we put the fence back I'll be able to get a few!
Wind blown and tattered!

January 27, 2014

Carpenter In Training

The other day, I walked out to the shop, to ask LB an question and this is what I found.

LB was in the middle of a project and Baby J was right there along beside him.
He wanted to be just like daddy!  He had his own "pockets", tape measure, and pencil.

He was so proud of himself, he had learned how to use a screw driver!  And of course he had to show me how to do it!

I'm not sure how fast LB will get his project finished, but he's going to have fun making memories!

January 24, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

Oh, wait, that was 24 days ago!

I had to sign some papers yesterday and I had to ask the secretary what the date was.  I have been so off!  She just laughed and said 'Oh the joy of being a stay home mom!"  I have to admit, I do tend to loose track of what day it is.

Well, I hope all of you, have had a great start to 2014 so far.

Here's a little glimpse of what we've been doing here:

1.  We rested!  Who doesn't need a little rest after the holiday season?

2.  LB and I had a discussion of who would be the best super hero to be:
        Of all the super heroes out there who is the best?
         Correct answer:  Batman 
        Reason:  Batman is just that good!
        Everyone else is a god, mutant or has some special power.

3.  I made valentine tea towels.  They are available in my etsy shop:  The 46th Star

4.  Baby J did something that all farm kids do.  It's kinda a right of passage:

He licked a salt block.  He was so fast, I missed the actual lick and then I couldn't get him to do it again.  He said "yuck?"

5.  I have more things to tell you, but Baby J is begging me to play with him in his "beroom"

Until tomorrow....