Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

January 24, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

Oh, wait, that was 24 days ago!

I had to sign some papers yesterday and I had to ask the secretary what the date was.  I have been so off!  She just laughed and said 'Oh the joy of being a stay home mom!"  I have to admit, I do tend to loose track of what day it is.

Well, I hope all of you, have had a great start to 2014 so far.

Here's a little glimpse of what we've been doing here:

1.  We rested!  Who doesn't need a little rest after the holiday season?

2.  LB and I had a discussion of who would be the best super hero to be:
        Of all the super heroes out there who is the best?
         Correct answer:  Batman 
        Reason:  Batman is just that good!
        Everyone else is a god, mutant or has some special power.

3.  I made valentine tea towels.  They are available in my etsy shop:  The 46th Star

4.  Baby J did something that all farm kids do.  It's kinda a right of passage:

He licked a salt block.  He was so fast, I missed the actual lick and then I couldn't get him to do it again.  He said "yuck?"

5.  I have more things to tell you, but Baby J is begging me to play with him in his "beroom"

Until tomorrow....

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