Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

March 22, 2013

Buildin' Fence

Those two  cows are not supposed to be on that side of the fence.  You see, that green stuff, it's not grass. 
What?  Not grass?
Nope.  It's wheat!  And we need to keep those cows off the wheat, because now the heads are starting to come up and we don't want the cow to eat it.
So, what do you do?
You find a tractor and fill the bucket with fence post.
Then you take one of the fenc post, put a pipe with a flat end over the top and....
then you lower the bucket...

a hand is raised!
Then you take the baby home and put him down for a nap while the guys string the wire!  It was such hard work I might just have to take a nap too!

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