Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

August 13, 2010

Bosley The Bassethound!

This is Bosley!
And this is what happens when you put a basset hound in the back of the pick up!

Bosley is a basset hound.  (You know, one of those dogs that can't jump over fences no matter how short they are!)  The above photo is one of my favorite photos of Bosley.  Bosley unfortunately is no longer with us. She was run over in 2008.  It was very sad, but that is what happens when you have outside dogs.

LB and I got bosley shortly after we got married.  We purchased her from a local pound.  She was to be up to date on all of her shots and neutered.  She was a very sweet dog, but not cut out to be inside, which was our original intentions. She did wonderful outside.  She kept all the critters away and let me know if someone was outside. 

Shortly after we had to move to town.   We were concerned about how she would deal with living in town, but she adjusted beautifully.  She followed LB to work every morning, stopping at all the local restaurants on the way.  Once she was thoroughly fed she would spend the rest of the afternoon asleep on the sidewalk outside the bank, or under LB's pick up.  Due to all the special snacks that everyone so generously gave her she began to gain weight.  I didn't think anything of it until one day, she began to look a little like she was making milk!  But, how could this happen?  She was neutered?  Or was she?

A few weeks later she gave birth to 11 puppies!  Being a basset hound means a very long torso, which is very hospitable to having large litters.  Oddly all 11 puppies were male.   

Once the puppies got older, we had to tie her up, because the puppies would try to follow her when she went to maker her rounds.  We were afraid they would get run over.  By 6 weeks we had found good homes for all of them.  Thank goodness!  You try finding homes for 11 dogs. 

Once I had the last puppy safely with his new owner, I loaded up bosley and drove her to the vet.  I was going to make sure this time that we weren't going to have any more puppies!

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