Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

August 2, 2012

Last Week

Baby J and I just got back from a trip.  Well, just as in last Saturday. 

I'm just a little behind!

On Tuesday Baby J and I drove to my parent's house where I met up with my older sister and her kids.  Then Wednesday morning, Baby J and I loaded up with my older sister and her kids and drove to Tulsa to meet up with my Little sister.

That's when the fun really began.  We did lots of stuff like tour the Blue bell Ice cream factory and go eat Krispy Kreme donughts.  We even went to the aquarium where my sister was attacked by an alligator...

well, not really, but a sting ray did try to give her a kiss!

More on that later...

Friday morning we all loaded back up and headed back to my parent's house to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday!

We had a blast and I am looking forward to telling yall all about it, especially now that I've seen the pictures. 

Well, I'll tell ya more tomorrow!

Love, Amy

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