Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

January 26, 2011

On Pregnancy

Today, I am officially 19 weeks pregnant!  Seven more days and I'll be halfway through.  Yay!

These last few weeks, I have learned some very interesting facts about pregnancy.  I have learned that no matter what you eat, throwing up is the worst thing in the world, stretch marks are ugly, and I am outgrowing my clothes faster than I can wear them out!

There is one more thing that I have learned, and I have decided that it is the worst side effect I have so far experienced:  Loss of Bladder Control.

Yes, you read me right.

I am sure that those of you who already have children understand what I'm talking about.  And for those of you who don't have children yet, just get ready!

Let me explain...

Getting ready in the morning takes twice as long.  I seem to always be OK until I get my shower taken and my teeth brushed.  Then, everything that was still in my stomach from the night before decides that it would like to relocate itself.  And as I have stated before I have no bladder control, so the inevitable happens; I pee my pants.  This means I have to take another shower and brush my teeth again.  If I could just make myself throw up before I take my first shower and brush my teeth, my problems would be solved.

I have also discovered that sneezing brings on the same effects.  As does laughing real hard or coughing!

I just hope that this is not a preview of what I'm going to experience once I get old. 

What we mothers do for our children!


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