Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

October 12, 2010

How To Open A Can

Opening a can can be a tricky thing.  I am here today to tell you the easiest way that I have found to open a can.

1.)  Get out the cans that need to be open and place them on the counter.

2.)  Choose the can opener that you'd like to use:  the kind that cut the can end or the kind that undo the edges.  It doesn't really matter.  I use the Pampered Chef can opener that unfolds the top so those are the directions I'll give you.

3.)  Place the can opener on the can and begin turning the handle.

4.)  Go around the can one time and then try to open the top. 

5.)  Place the can opener back on the can and go around again because it didn't work the first time.

6.)  Try to open the can.  Find out that it only worked on selected spots of the can lids.  Put the can opener back on the can and go around again.

7.)  Try to open the can again.  Get angry because again, it didn't work like it was supposed to.  Then force the lid of the can up like so:
Feel lucky because you got more than half the top to open.

8.)  Count how many cans you have left to open.

9.)  Go find your husband and tell him that if he doesn't come and open the rest of the cans he won't get supper tonight.

10.)  Smile because your husband loves you so much that he doesn't want you to pull your hair out or starve, so he stops welding and comes in and opens the other five cans for you!


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