Wheat Field Cut For Hay

Wheat Field Cut For Hay

May 17, 2010

I'm Here!

I'm here.  I'm just really really busy.  It's the end of the school year and there are lots of awards banquets and graduation ceremonies.  And to top it off it is wedding season.  Boy is my head spinning!

I work at a school.  Have I ever told you that? 

Sadly, Monday the 24th will be my last day.  Since we have moved, there is no reason for me to drive the 30 miles to my job.  I love my job.  I didn't go to college, so I don't have a degree, which means I'm not a teacher.  But, I work in the Library. 

 I started 5 years ago in the Pre-K department.  I was the aide.  I got to do the fun stuff, like work puzzles, play on the playground, color, and read books!  I did that for two years.  Then the enrollment number dropped and they didn't need an aide anymore.  That's when they moved me to the high school to become the Library Aide.  The library aide is responsible for checking in and out books of course, but they are also responsible for the computer lab and the Spanish class.  The Spanish class is my favorite job.  We get Spanish over the distance learning satellite.  So they have a great big TV and microphone that they talk to the teacher with.  I have learned a lot!  Why not.  I never turn down a chance to learn something.  But, Monday is my last day and I'm sad.  I have worked there longer than I have worked at any job I have ever had.   

But, It's ok because I am having some bigger and better doors opening up for me.  Right?


1 comment:

Peggy said...

I love your blog!!!! It is so funny and also interesting. Love You Aunt Nana